ISO 19650 is a series of international standards that provide guidance for managing information throughout the lifecycle of buildings and other construction projects using Building Information Modelling (BIM). This suite of international standards forms part of the UK BIM Framework.

Learning about ISO 19650 provides professionals in the construction industry with standardised guidelines for effective information management using BIM. Conforming to ISO 19650 can enhance project delivery, reduce errors, and improve decision-making, ultimately leading to cost savings and higher-quality built assets.

Developed by BRE’s team of BIM experts, this training course provides an overview of the ISO 19650 standards to enable the implementation of BIM and information management processes within your organisation.

This course focusses on Parts 1 and 2 of ISO 19650:
• ISO 19650-1 Concepts and Principles: establishes fundamental principles and terminology for managing digital information using BIM throughout a project’s lifecycle. It defines roles, responsibilities, and workflows to ensure consistency and data quality across all project stages.
• ISO 19650-2 Delivery Phase of the Assets: focuses on requirements and recommendations for exchanging information during the design, construction, and handover stages of a project. It addresses protocols for sharing, storing, and updating digital information in collaborative environments, improving communication and efficiency among project stakeholders.

After completing the course learners will be able to:

  • Understand the history of BIM , previous standards, and drivers that led to the latest information management mandate.
  • Understand the high-level concepts and principles of the ISO 19650 standards including legal, security and health and safety requirements.
  • Articulate information management processes using BIM terminology.
  • Explain the value proposition of information management using BIM.
  • Understand information procurement, planning, and production.
  • Be confident in outlining the key elements of the ISO 19650-2 process.
  • Understand how information requirements are identified and communicated.
  • Understand how information is shared between organisations.
  • Be confident in adopting information management processes within an organisation.
  • Discuss international information standards relating to open BIM and interoperability.

Continuing studies

The ISO 19650 1&2 Project Delivery course forms part of the learning pathway towards BRE Global BIM Certification. Achieving certification demonstrates your information management and BIM expertise, and instils confidence among employers and customers. Once you have completed this course, take a look at the ISO 19650 Delivering Information Management in Practice course, which forms the second step of the certification learning pathway.

At a glance

10 hours including 3 hours of pre-learning material
Skill level
Classroom time zone
General awareness of BIM is recommended
Receive a badge after completing the course

This training course is designed for architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals, such as designers, asset managers, project managers, BIM coordinators, and maintenance contractors.

The course is tailored to those who want to gain an overview of the key concepts and principles of the information management process as defined in ISO 19650 Parts 1 and 2.


Units 1-3 Pre-recorded learning to undertake prior to the training date:

1. Unit 01: A Catalyst for Change 

  • Lesson 01 – BIM Defined
  • Lesson 02 – Global Drivers
  • Lesson 03 – A History of BIM
  • Lesson 04 – The Effect of Poor Information
  • Lesson 05 – Making Change Happen
  • Lesson 06 – Construction 4.0

 2. Unit 02: BIM Explained

  • Lesson 01 – BIM Terminology & Acronyms
  • Lesson 02 – BIM Dimensions
  • Lesson 03 – UK BIM Maturity
  • Lesson 04 – Global BIM Adoption

3. Unit 03: BIM According to ISO 19650 

  • Lesson 01 – ISO 19650 Overview
  • Lesson 02 – Concepts & Principles
  • Lesson 03 – ISO part 3
  • Lesson 04 – ISO part 4
  • Lesson 05 – ISO part 5

4. Unit 04 : Assessment & Need

  • Lesson 01 – Undertake the IM Function
  • Lesson 02 – Establish the PIR
  • Lesson 03 – Establish information delivery milestones
  • Lesson 04 – Establish the PIS (Incorporate previous section 8)
  • Lesson 05 – Establish Project’s Information Production Methods & Procedures
  • Lesson 06 – Establish Shared Resources, CDE & PIP

5. Unit 05:  Invitation to Tender 

  • Lesson 01 – Establish EIR
  • Lesson 02 – Assemble reference information and shared resources
  • Lesson 03 – Establish tender response requirements and evaluation criteria

6. Unit 06:  Tender Response 

  • Lesson 01 – Nominate IM Function
  • Lesson 02 – Establish Pre BEP
  • Lesson 03 – Assess & Establish the delivery team’s mobilization plan
  • Lesson 04 – Establish the delivery team’s mobilization plan
  • Lesson 05 – Establish the delivery team’s risk register

7. Unit 07:  Appointment

  • Lesson 01 – Confirm the Post BEP
  • Lesson 02 – Establish the Detailed Responsibility Matrix
  • Lesson 03 – Establish the LAP EIR
  • Lesson 04 – Establish the TIDP’s
  • Lesson 05 – Establish the MIDP’s
  • Lesson 06 – Complete Appointment Documents

8. Unit 8:  Mobilization

  • Lesson 01 – Mobilize Resources & I.T
  • Lesson 02 – Test Methods & Procedures

9. Unit 9 – Collaborative production 

  • Lesson 01 – Generate Information
  • Lesson 02 – Undertake QA Checks
  • Lesson 03 – Submit, Review & Approve for Sharing

10. Unit 10: Information Model Delivery 

  • Lesson 01 – Submit, Review & Approve for Sharing
  • Lesson 02 – Submit, Review & Accept

11. Unit 11: Project Close Out 

  • Lesson 01 – Archive the PIM
  • Lesson 02 – Capture Lessons Learnt

12. Unit 12: BIM Certification

  • Lesson 01 – BRE BIM Individual Certification
  • Lesson 02 – BRE Business Certification
  • Lesson 03 – BIM Case Studies

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Places required:
£750.00 + VAT
per person


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The BRE Academy is the leading training provider for the built environment. Most courses are developed by BRE – a science research hub with 100 years of experience in safety and sustainability. As a profit-for-purpose, all fees go towards further research to make the built environment safer and greener and to mitigate climate change.


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